Tuesday 31 May 2016

Step 3: Footings

Footings are what hold up the house.  They are made with concrete that is about 8" high and 16" wide
and have steel rods called rebar in it.

They use 2X6 boards to outline where the footings need to go.  And then they get a big pump truck to pump the concrete through a big pipe to where it has to go in the footings.   The big truck makes this job look pretty easy.

Monday 30 May 2016

Step 2: Dig the Basement

Today we finished digging the basement.  We also connected the sewer pipes and dug a trench for the power and telephone cable.
The next job is to build the foundation with concrete and rebar.

Sunday 29 May 2016

Step 1: Draw Plans and get permits.

This year my family is building a house and I am here to tell you how we did it.

First my dad drew plans for the house.  I told him what I wanted in my bedroom.  After the plans were done he took them to the city office to get Permits.  A permit means they give us permission to build the house.
After getting the permits, the Surveyors came out to our lot and put pink stakes in the ground showing where the basement will be.  Now we just need to dig the hole in the ground!