Monday 6 June 2016

Step 5: Hooking up the Services

With the basement walls finished, now it is time to connect the services to the house and run the sewer lines that will be under the concrete in the basement floor.
The services include Water, Sewer, Power, and Telephone.
The waterline is a flexable copper pipe that was coiled up in the dirt below the house.  We dug that up and then need to unwrap it as we run it over to the mechanical room.
The main sewer line is a green pipe that is also under the house.  We dug that up also and need to connect it to our new back-valve and then connect all the sewer pipes together and connect to the back-valve.  We have to get this all finished before they pour the concrete floor in the basement.
The power and telephone lines were wrapped up in a box under the ground outside.  We unrolled them around the house to where the power meter is going to be.  Now we have to bury the cables with sand and then put a board on top to protect the cable in case someone tries to dig into it.

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