Saturday 18 June 2016

Step 6: Weeping Tile

Did you know weeping tile isn't actually tile?  Why do they call it weeping tile?  Actually they used
tile for this long ago, but now they use a flexible black pipe with small holes in it - I guess they forgot to change the name - so they call this pipe Weeping Tile.
The purpose of weeping tile is to catch any water on the outside of the house so it doesn't leak into the house.
There are 4 parts to the Weeping Tile job:
1- Spray tar on the concrete to make it waterproof
2- Place the pipe called Weeping Tile around the footings of the house
3- Pour lots of gravel on the Weeping Tile pipe so it doesn't get plugged with dirt
4- Install a tank below the basement floor for all the water to run into. Later we will install a pump in the tank to pump the water into the storm sewer.

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